COVID-19 Resources
Find My Testing Place (Encuentra Mi Lugar de Prueba)
Enter in zip code, city, or address
Free Community Testing Events (Eventos de Pruebas de la Comunidad)
Enter in zip code, city, or address
Family & Community COVID-19 Resources (Recursos Para la Familia y la Comunidad)
Statewide and local resources
COVID-19 Parental Resources Kit (Kit de Recursos Parentales Acerca del COVID-19)
Ensuring children and young people’s social, emotional, and mental well-being
Help Hotlines
Childcare (cuidado de niños) 1-888-600-1685: Families can call to connect to childcare options in their community.
Mental health help (ayuda con su salud mental) 1-855-587-3463: All North Carolinians can call the Hope4NC Helpline for support from a licensed mental health professional.
COVID-19 Community Team Outreach Tool (La Herramienta de Equipo Comunitario COVID-19
A password-protected online software that helps people track their own symptoms if they have been advised to do so by the COVID-19 Community Team.
Ongoing List of COVID-19 Resources (Lista de Recursos e Información Acerca del COVID-19)
Ongoing list of COVID-19 resources